Bonnie Barnett & Ken Filiano: Trio for Two

Bonnie Barnett & Ken Filiano: Trio for Two
1. Boerum 4:32
2. Discreet Alliances 3:52
3. Verdigris 6:03
4. Aromas Of The Mind 4:31
5. After The Fall 9:49
6. Urgent Attitudes 9:29
7. Composition As Explanation (text: Gertrude Stein) 13:28
Bonnie Barnett: vocals
Ken Filiano: Double Bass & Effects
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Bonnie Barnett is an improviser of unusual clarity. A cornerstone of the Los Angeles New Music scene, and the composer of the TUNNEL HUMs, Barnett has mightily contributed to the worlds of contemporary classical music and improvisation and is one of Los Angeles’ hidden treasures. Barnett’s impressive array of vocal extensions creates a personal world of sonic texture that is unrivaled.
- Label Nine Wind Records
- Recorded, mixed and mastered by Jim Clouse at Park West Studios, Brooklyn, NY.
- Produced by Bonnie Barnett & Ken Filiano.
- Cover painting – “Navajo, Gemsbok and Tassilli”, watercolor collage (2000) by Ellen Van Fleet.
- Layout and design by Jeremy Drake.
- All music FMZ Music Co. bmi and Flizmo Music bmi.
- Use of excerpt from “Composition As Explanation”, by Gertrude Stein, was granted by the Estate of Gertrude Stein, through its Literary Executor, Mr. Stanford Gann, Jr. of Levin & Gann. P.A.