A socially-distant participatory vocal event
SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 2020 at:
HST (Hawaii) – 9 a.m.
PDT – Noon
EDT – 3 p.m.
U.K. – 8 p.m.
Europe – 9 p.m.
St. Petersburg – 10 p.m.
Australia – MONDAY at 6 a.m.
You are invited to breathe and tone from wherever you are during the performance time (starting at the listed time, and continuing for about 15 minutes).
Imagine your breath and tone reaching out and mixing with other people’s breaths and tones, surrounding the planet with a sound bath of vibration. See the earth and visualize the vibrating vocal energy buzzing us all to community and health.
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Thirty-Seven participants wrote in after the second event on May 3, 2020 and let me know their locations – from Russia to Australia to Denmark to Germany to France to Italy to Switzerland to England to Peru to New York to Michigan to Pennsylvania to Illinois to Tennessee to Colorado to Oregon to California…
Please document your geographical location during your participation by contacting me though this site.
Here is another option for any of you who are interested. Even though this 3rd event is still an ephemeral, conceptual event, if you feel like recording your sounds, you are invited to upload them as an mp3 to this folder:
please name your file:
and remember, please upload mp3’s only, thanks! The sounds quality of the recording doesn't matter. You can use a zoom recorder, your laptop microphone, your cell phone... anything! Ulrich Krieger will mix the sounds that we receive…